NextGen funds. The relevance of measuring their social impact
Management Solutions participated as a guest speaker at a new edition of the Open Classroom on Impact Economics – the meeting and discussion forum of the Social Impact Chair jointly launched by Universidad Pontificia Comillas, Open Value Foundation, Repsol Foundation and Management Solutions – that took place on April 21st on the subject of the NextGen funds
The European Recovery Fund, also known as NextGeneration EU, is a temporary instrument designed by the EU to help repair the immediate economic and social damage caused by the coronavirus pandemic in Europe. With a total of EUR 750,000 MM in grants, it is the largest assets package ever financed through the EU budget to rebuild a greener, digital, post-COVID-19 Europe that is better adapted to current and future challenges.
The Open Classroom, hosted by the Social Impact Chair together with SPAIN NAB, Foro Impacto & ES| IMPACT, and the Comillas Alumni Office, was moderated by Bernardo García (ES| IMPACT), and featured the participation of Román García (European Commission), Laura Blanco (SpainNAB) and David Coca (Management Solutions), who discussed the potential of these funds for companies, NGOs, universities, and other organizations seeking to create Social Impact, and also weighed up the challenges involved in measuring the impact generated by these funds.