Recent contributions in climate change
The Firm sponsored the “Recent contributions in climate change” workshop organized jointly by the Caixabank Sustainable Economy Chair and the Comillas Pontifical University Hydrogen Studies Chair, of which Management Solutions is a founding trustee, during which several international experts analyzed climate finance trends and discussed how the corporate finance system can contribute to mitigating the risk of climate collapse
The event was attended by some of the world's leading specialists in the field, including Mr. Eduardo Schwartz, research professor at UCLA and director of the Ryan Beedie Chair in Finance at SFU, Mr. Diego Rodríguez, professor and researcher at the Foundation for Applied Economics Studies (FEDEA), Mr. Bert Scholtens, professor of Banking and Finance at the University of Groningen and Saint Andrews School of Management, Mr. Rodrigo Zeidan, professor at NYU Shanghai, and Mr. Raúl Rosales, senior executive fellow at the Imperial Business School.
Ms. Isabel Figuerola Ferretti, co-director of the Hydrogen Studies Chair, of which Management Solutions is a founding trustee, and Ms. Elisa Aracil, director of the Caixabank Sustainable Economy Chair, also participated in the meeting, which was specially sponsored by the Firm. The event analyzed aspects such as trends in climate finance, the importance of measuring progress in sustainability, green banking, fossil fuel reserves, how to decarbonize at minimum costs, and voluntary carbon markets and their relationship with green hydrogen, highlighting the need for academia and industry to join forces in order for net zero goals to be achieved.