R&D Area
Our value proposition is supported by a cutting-edge R&D departmentAt Management Solutions we design solutions that combine our creative capabilities (drawing on our knowledge, skills and talent), with scientific support (methodology) and adaptation to a particular environment, while committing to their effective implementation.
This approach applies not only to each of the projects in which we are engaged to deliver results to our clients, but also to the prior R&D work that is essential in all of Management Solutions’ fields of expertise.
The current economic situation and changing regulatory environment require the presence of a specialist R&D team to undertake extensive research and knowledge management work that will ultimately ensure the provision of top quality services for our clients.
Our practice
The Research and Development team, in which professionals from the different offices of the Firm participate, provides services to our professionals and clients in methodological aspects, including the application of best practices in data science, machine learning, modeling and Big Data, as well as in the fields of regulatory analysis and the macroeconomic situation, in a firm commitment to keep Management Solutions at the forefront of the sector and responding to the growing demand for innovation from the market.
The R&D team has a team of data scientists dedicated to investigating new applications, as well as consultants specialized in regulation and economics, and also serves as the Firm's knowledge management center, with special emphasis on organizing and disseminating the best practices in all the countries where we operate, through publications, the intranet and the web, as well as the mobile app for regulatory alerts.
Likewise, the R&D team maintains close collaboration with universities, developing knowledge through University-Business Chairs, offering theses in postgraduate and doctoral programs, professional practices in the Faculties of Mathematics, Statistics and Physics, and teaching seminars in degree and master programs.
Finally, R&D constitutes the Head of Studies of the Firm, coordinating the Knowledge Chairs and taking an active part in the management of the postgraduate programs that Management Solutions professionals study.
Our service offering
- Quality control and methodology consistency.
- Support to projects with a methodology component.
- Research: analysis and development of quantitative measurement methodologies in leading areas of knowledge.
- Innovation: business intelligence models for decision making and artificial intelligence tools.
- Preparation of regular publications (white papers, situation reports, etc.).
- Dissemination of knowledge through publications, the intranet, the web, as well as the mobile app for regulatory alerts "FinRegAlerts".
- Internal training (Firm’s professionals) and external training (clients and universities).