Award ceremony for the best university projects on Social Impact
Next Thursday, November 25, the awards ceremony for the best university projects on Social Impact will take place at ICADE Business School (Madrid) and will be awarded by the Social Impact Chair, set up by Universidad Pontificia Comillas, Fundación Repsol, Open Value Foundation and Management Solutions
The event will present the awards to Best Final Year Project and Best Master’s Final Project as well as several runner-up prizes, and will be addressed by Beatriz Rivera, founder and Creative Director of the sustainable and impactful clothing brand Bluyins, who will be patron to this 1st edition of the Awards.
The awards ceremony will be held next Thursday, November 25, from 18.30 at the ICADE Business School headquarters (c/ Rey Francisco 4, 28008. Madrid), and can be followed either live from the venue (register here, limited capacity) or through a streaming broadcast (access here).